That's Life - Specials
The original season follows the life of the unsophisticated but good-natured Lisa Plenske, and her incongruous job at the ultra-chic Berlin fashion house Kerima Moda; while the second season revolved around Lisa's ham-fisted but sly half-brother Bruno and junior designer Hannah Refrath.
First Air Date : Feb 28, 2005
Last Air Date : Oct 05, 2007
Runtime : 25 min.
Genre : Soap
Stars : Alexandra Neldel, Laura Osswald, Tim Sander, Georgea Regout, Mathis Künzler, Olivia Pascal, Volker Herold, Gabrielle Scharnitzky, Sven Rothkirch, Stefanie Höner, Ulrike Mai
Quality :
- Eps. 1 : Episode 12006-09-01